Kids and Summer Sleep

Kids and Summer Sleep

If you have kids, then you know that they love to sleep. In fact, they're all experts at it—I've been told that my daughter could fall asleep in the middle of a crowded stadium if she had to. But that doesn't mean summer is a breeze for them when it comes to getting enough rest. If anything, it's even harder for them to get enough sleep during summer vacation because we tend not to go to bed as early or wake up as early as we do during the school year. For example: if you typically go to bed by 9 p.m. but stop at 10 p.m. on weekends; then you may find yourself waking up later than usual on Monday morning after a long weekend spent hanging out with friends or taking trips during your break from work or school activities!

Go to bed earlier but get up later.

You'll need to get your child up earlier in the morning and get them to sleep later at night. How much earlier depends on the age of your child, but, if you're getting up earlier than usual (say, by an hour or so), it's important for them to go to bed earlier as well.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • If they're young enough (under 3 years old), consider putting them back into diapers so that they take longer naps during the day and don't wake up too early in the morning. This will also make sure that you don't have any accidents during this adjustment period!
  • The following week after making these changes and adjusting our own schedules accordingly should go smoothly with minimal disruption for everyone involved; however, once summer comes around again next year, we may want even more changes made so our family can continue enjoying its favorite activities together without being interrupted by pesky things like schoolwork or homework assignments from teachers who aren't understanding enough about how important it is for us all

Keep the schedule consistent.

  • Keep the schedule consistent.
  • Make sure you have a bedtime routine in place and stick to it every night, even on weekends. Your child should go down to bed at the same time each night (and wake up at roughly the same time), regardless of whether they've been at home or out of town.
  • Avoid naps during the day, if possible, but if your child needs one, keep it short and consistent--no more than 30 minutes total per day across all naps combined (including nighttime sleep).

Limit daytime naps to one hour or less.

  • Keep their sleep schedule consistent, even on weekends.
  • Limit daytime naps to one hour or less. If your child is sleeping more than an hour, wake them up and encourage them to go back to bed for a nap later in the day (or at night). If they're still tired after that, try getting them to bed earlier so that they can get enough rest without needing an extra nap during the day!

Letting kids sleep in during the summer can help them make up for lost sleep during the school year.

Summertime can be a great time to catch up on sleep. Kids typically have more flexibility in their summer schedules, so it's easier for them to get some extra rest. They also may have less stress during the summer months than they do during the school year, when they're balancing homework and extracurricular activities with vacations or camps.

Summer is an excellent opportunity for parents and kids alike to try out new sleep habits that might help improve their overall health and well-being (and make them feel more rested).


The most important thing is to give your child a consistent, healthy sleep schedule. You can do this by going to bed earlier but getting up later and limiting daytime naps. If you have TVs or computers in your kids' rooms, remove them so they don't disrupt their sleep at night. Finally, make sure they get enough sunlight throughout the day so that their bodies know when it's time for bed!

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